180 Days to Graduation! 


*Researched senior thesis


-Dante's Divine Comedy

-Shakespeare: The Taming of the Shrew and Othello

-Novels to include Huckleberry Finn, Silas Marner, Death Comes for the Archbishop, The Great Gatsby, Invisible Man, A Month in the Country

-Poetry: 17th century-present

-Selected essays (which will also touch on economics, government, science, etc)


-Readings in the saints, Middle Ages-19th Century

-Bible: Major and minor prophets, Psalms, Gospels, New Testament

-Papal Encyclical, Fides et Ratio (Faith and Reason)


-Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson

-Selected essays

*Government and Civics:

-Hillsdale Online's Constitution 101 lectures

-Primary-source readings

-Plutarch's Lives of Alexander and Julius Caesar

-Current Events

*Depending on what's available in dual-enrollment in semester two, we might need to add another science

*Possibly daily Duolingo German for Ben – 34 hours = 1 semester


Starting Procedures: 

  1. Note that you will have a single narration document in Google Docs.

  1. You will find it linked at the top of the page in Week 1.

  1. If it's not already done for you in your document, always carefully LABEL each narration, including the DAY of the 180 days. For example: Day 81: Paradiso Canto XXXIII. This way I can easily see what day you're on and how far through the year you are, which will help with accountability. When you arrive at Day 180 with all work done, you're ready to graduate.

  1. Add new narrations at the TOP weekly, rather than at the bottom of the  document. At least in the beginning, you'll have some formatting done for you to help with that.

  1. The more DETAIL you include in a narration, the more credit you receive. A + mark means it's done, but just done. You want to strive for more than one + mark.

  1. For each reading, though maybe especially your readings in the saints, sacred scripture, and the words of Pope St. John Paul II in Fides et Ratio, read in a spirit of Lectio Divina, asking the Holy Spirit to show you what you most need to connect with. 

  1. You may of course use a hard copy of any book included here, but I have linked Bible readings, Dante, novels, etc, just so that you have them at your fingertips wherever you are. Saints readings come from readers that I made up in Docs – you will need to scroll to the correct pages, so pay attention to what is assigned.

  1. If you need help, particularly with your Senior Thesis, ASK. Text me, talk to me. I am here to help you when you need clarification and support. Don’t let a problem fester. 

  1. Engage with at least one news/current events story weekly. 

  1. The year's plan is broken out into terms and weeks for scheduling purposes, but the thing to pay attention to is what day you’re on. If you miss a day, just pick up with the next day the next time you do school, and keep going until you get to Day 180, at which point you will be finished. 

  1. Highlight each item you do as you finish it, so you always know where you are. 

  1. There are some in-class essay days, makeup times, and breaks built in. Whenever a makeup time occurs in the schedule, look back over the reading of the last few weeks and ask yourself what has been left undone. Hopefully not much, but those open spaces are there to give you a chance to get things finished. 

WEEKS 1-12/DAYS 1-60

Things to anticipate: 

For your Senior Thesis, at the end of Week 5 you should plan to conduct an interview with a mentor/expert, either in person or via email. You will have some wiggle room with regard to timing, but know that this is coming up at that point in the term. 

Note that you will have some “in-class”/one-hour essays to write in Weeks 6 and 12. 

Pay attention to the poems and essays you read each week, and be prepared to write about your favorites. Pay attention to art and music selections as well, and be prepared to write about them. For the first twelve weeks of the year, our artist will be Leonardo da Vinci. Our composers for this term are Richard Wagner and Jacques Offenbach. Click their names to read about them before the term begins.

Please note that if you narrate all your assignments thoroughly and consistently for the next six weeks, you will be EXEMPT from having to write essays in Week 6. Ditto from Weeks 6-12. The essay prompts are written, and I can give them to you, but if you don't want to have to do them, be THOROUGH in your narrations (ie a sentence per paragraph or page, rather than one sentence, period) every day.

Preview Week 1: Days 1-5.


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