WEEK 25: DAYS 121-125

Music Selection: Handel, Messiah . We will be listening to the whole oratorio over four weeks, so listen to roughly the first quarter of it this week. 

Day 121:

  1. John Henry Newman, Sermon 6, Narrate by writing a sentence for each paragraph

  2. Senior Thesis: Write 20 minutes on your topic.

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto I
  4. Ellison, Invisible Man, Chapters 1-2 Narrate (on the shelf in the hall)

  5. Essay: “I, Pencil” Narrate

  6. Psalm 101 Narrate

Day 122:

  1. Isaiah 61-63 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: Write 20 minutes on your topic.

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto II
  4. Crider, Office of Assertion, Chapter 1 Narrate
  5. Thomas Hardy, “Channel Firing,” (WWI) Narrate

  6. Psalm 102 Narrate

Day 123: 

  1. John 13-16 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: Write 20 minutes on your topic.

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto III
  4. Ellison, Invisible Man, Chapters 3-4, Narrate
  5. Primary-source document for government credit: The Code of Hammurabi Narrate

  6. Psalm 103 Narrate

Day 124: 

  1. Judith 5-8 Narrate

  1. Senior Thesis: Write 20 minutes on your topic

  2. Dante, Paradiso, Canto IV
  3. Ellison, Invisible Man, Chapter 5, Narrate

  4. Sara Teasdale, “The Spring in War-Time” Narrate

  5. Psalm 104 Narrate

Day 125: 

  1. Fides et Ratio, 81-84 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: write 20 minutes on your topic.

  3. Essay: “What Is Distributism?” Narrate

  4. Edward Thomas, “Rain” (more WWI) Narrate

  5. Psalm 105 Narrate


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