WEEK 26: DAYS 126-130

Jan van Eyck, Diptych: Crucifixion and Last Judgment, 1420-1430

Music Selection: Handel, Messiah, listen to roughly the halfway 

Day 126: 

  1. Newman, Sermon 8, Narrate each paragraph in a sentence

  2. Senior Thesis: write 20 minutes on your topic

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto V
  4. Ellison, Invisible Man, Chapters 6-7 Narrate

  5. Essay: “Possessive Individualism: Can We Really Own Ourselves?” Narrate

  6. Psalm 106 Narrate

Day 127: 

  1. Isaiah 64-66 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: Write 20 minutes on your topic

    1. Read

    2. Reflect on this whole chapter and consider what method will suit you best

  3. Crider, Office of Assertion, Chapter 2, Narrate

  4. T.S. Eliot, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” (post-WWI) Narrate

    1. Note: the epigraph, or quotation at the beginning, is from Dante’s Inferno

    2. Eliot was a Dante scholar and tended to see the Divine Comedy playing out all around him

    3. Translated, the epigraph says: 

“If I but thought that my response were made

to one perhaps returning to the world,

this tongue of flame would cease to flicker.

But since, up from these depths, no one has yet

returned alive, if what I hear is true,

I answer without fear of being shamed.”

5. Psalm 107 Narrate

Day 128: 

  1. John 17-21 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: Write 20 minutes on your topic

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto VI
  4. Ellison, Invisible Man, Chapters 8-9 Narrate
  5. Primary-source document for government credit: Aristotle, Politics, Book I Narrate

  6. Psalm 108 Narrate

Day 129: 

  1. Judith 9-12 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: Write 20 minutes on your topic

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto VII
  4. Ellison, Invisible Man, Chapter 10 Narrate
  5. T.S. Eliot, “The Waste Land,” to line 217 (the halfway mark) Narrate

    1. Note, again, that Eliot’s poems are full of allusions to other things – Dante, which you might recognize, but also other texts, which you might not

    2. Note that he moves back and forth between his own present world and the world of fable and myth

    3. Think about what might resonate between those two worlds – how do they show each other up when set beside each other? 

  6. Psalm 109 Narrate

Day 130: 

  1. Fides et Ratio, 85-88 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: Write 20 minutes on your topic.

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto VIII
  4. Essay: “The Economics of Distributism” Narrate

  5. Finish “The Waste Land” Narrate

  6. Psalm 110 Narrate

Senior Thesis: Looking Ahead: prepare to have a whole rough draft of your thesis finished by the end of March. That will give you April to revise and prepare to present/turn it in in May.


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