WEEK 27: DAYS 131-135

Music Selection: Handel, Messiah, listen to roughly the 3/4 mark. 

Day 131: 

  1. Newman, Sermon 9, Narrate each paragraph in a sentence

  2. Senior Thesis: write

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto IX
  4. Ellison, Invisible Man, Chapters 11-12 Narrate

  5. Essay: “The Economics of Distributism II” Narrate

  6. Psalm 111 Narrate

Day 132: 

  1. Revelation 1-3 Narrate. Note that it's John, the same John who wrote the Gospel and the Epistles bearing his name, who has received this revelation and is writing it down.

  2. Senior Thesis: write

  3. Crider, Office of Assertion, Chapter 3, Narrate

  4. Claude McKay, “America” (Harlem Renaissance) Narrate

  5. Psalm 112 Narrate

Day 133: 

  1. Judith 13-16 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: write

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto X
  4. Ellison, Invisible Man, Chapters 13-14, Narrate
  5. Primary Source document for government credit: The Magna Carta

    1. Read

    2. Narrate, with our own Constitution in mind

  6. Psalm 113 Narrate

Day 134: 

  1. Song of Solomon 1-4 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: write

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto XI
  4. Ellison, Invisible Man, Chapter 15 Narrate
  5. Claude McKay, “Harlem Shadows” Narrate

  6. Psalm 114 Narrate

Day 135: 

  1. Fides et Ratio, 89-92 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: write

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto XII
  4. Essay: “The Economics of Distributism III” Narrate
  5. Langston Hughes, “Dreams” (Harlem Renaissance) Narrate

  6. Psalm 115 Narrate

Again, you should be aiming for a full rough draft by the end of the month. If you write even a little every day – 20 minutes, or a half-page, whichever goal works best for you – then you will have generated a lot of writing, which we will devote April to revising and finishing. YOU CAN DO THIS.


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