WEEK 28: DAYS 136-140

Jan van Eyck, Madonna With Child Reading, 1433

Music Selection: Handel, Messiah, finish

Day 136: 

  1. Newman, Sermon 10, Narrate each paragraph in a sentence

  2. Senior Thesis: Write. Full draft due next Wednesday.

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto XIII
  4. Ellison, Invisible Man, Chapters 16-17 Narrate
  5. Essay: “The Economics of Distributism IV” Narrate

  6. Psalm 116 Narrate

Day 137: 

  1. Revelation 4-6 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: Write. Full draft due next Wednesday

  3. Crider, Office of Assertion, Chapter 4, Narrate

  4. Langston Hughes, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” Narrate

  5. Psalm 117 Narrate

Day 138:

  1. Baruch 1-3 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: Write. Full draft due next Wednesday

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto XIV
  4. Ellison, Invisible Man, Chapters 18-19
  5. Primary-source document for government credit: James I on the Divine Right of Kings  Narrate

  6. Psalm 118 Narrate

Day 139: 

  1. Song of Solomon 5-8 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: Write. Full draft due next Wednesday.

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto XV
  4. Ellison, Invisible Man, Chapter 20 Narrate
  5. Langston Hughes, “Let America Be America Again” Narrate

  6. Psalm 119 Narrate

Day 140: 

  1. Fides et Ratio, 93-96 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: Write. Full draft due next Wednesday.

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto XVI
  4. Essay: “The Economics of Distributism V” Narrate
  5. Georgia Douglas Johnson, “The Heart of a Woman” Narrate

  6. Psalm 120 Narrate


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