WEEK 33: DAYS 161-165

Don't forget that "Contraception and Chastity" is available via my Amazon Kindle Cloud reader. If you need help with that, let me know. OR add the Kindle app to your phone and download it. 

Day 161: 

  1. Newman, Sermon 20,  Narrate each paragraph in a sentence

  2. Senior Thesis: let it rest until exams are over

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto XXVII
  4. Essay: “The Literary Saint, John Henry Newman” Narrate

  5. Gwendolyn Brooks, “We Real Cool” Narrate

  6. Psalm 136 Narrate

Day 162: 

  1. Revelation 17-20 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: rest

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto XXVIII
  4. Crider, makeup reading if needed

  5. Essay: “The Economics of Prudence” Narrate

  6. Psalm 137 Narrate

Day 163: 

  1. Contraception and Chastity,” Section III Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: rest

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto XXIX
  4. Gwendolyn Brooks, “The Ballad of Rudolph Reed” Narrate

  5. Essay: “Let’s Talk About Just War” Narrate

  6. Psalm 138 Narrate

Day 164: 

  1. Jonah 3-4 Narrate

  2. Senior Thesis: rest

  3. Shakespeare, Othello, Act III

  4. Gwendolyn Brooks, “Kitchenette Building” Narrate

  5. Essay: “People and Their Relationships” Narrate

  6. Psalm 139 Narrate

Day 165: 

  1. Contraception and Chastity,” Section IV Narrate

  2. Senior thesis: rest

  3. Dante, Paradiso, Canto XXX
  4. Gwendolyn Brooks, “truth” Narrate

  5. Essay: “How Can We Form a More Perfect Union in Our Fractious Age?” Narrate

  6. Psalm 140 Narrate


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